Diseases and Conditions

Spider bites

Risk factors

Risk factors for spider bites include living in areas where spiders live and disturbing their natural habitat. Widow spiders and recluse spiders like warm climates and dark, dry places.

Widow spider habitat

Widow spiders can be found throughout the United States, except Alaska, and are more common in the rural South. They're also found in Europe. They are more active in the warmer months and prefer to live in:

  • Sheds
  • Garages
  • Unused pots and gardening equipment
  • Woodpiles
  • Closets and cupboards during cold weather

Recluse spider habitat

Recluse spiders are found most commonly in the southern half of the United States and in South America, where they are known as brown spiders. These spiders are so named because they like to hide away in undisturbed areas. They are most active in the warmer months. Indoors, they prefer to live:

  • In cluttered basements and attics
  • Behind bookshelves and dressers
  • In rarely used cupboards

Sometimes they get mixed up in bed linens and clothing, causing many bites to occur in the early morning.

Outside, they seek out dry, dark, quiet spots, such as under rocks or in tree stumps.